Thursday, December 4, 2008

My Girl

There is a saying in the surfing world. If you name you board she'll let you ride. Meaning that you can't not name your board haha. There are a lot of newbie surfers that don't know you should name a board. Now, what should you name it?

My board, which is for sale and a great starter board, is a 9ft. Bic. Her name is Silvia Ruiz La Maestra De Espanol. La Maestra De Espanol means "the teacher of spanish". Silvia was my spanish teacher when i went to Costa Rica with my school and that was also when I learned that you have to name a board. So because I was in love with her thats what I named my board.

Just remember that surfing is a team sport between you and your board. You have to respond to what the board does because there isn't anyway for you to predict what the ocean will do and you have to listen to the board to tell you how to react. You have to learn how to read her and react.

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