Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Open Water Swimming

A new sport in the water I have ercently gotten into is the open water swims. For those of us who don't know what an open water swim is it is a swim in a natural body of water. It is harder than swimming in a pool because you are exposed to more of the natural elements like currents, waves, and tides.

A friend of mine Justin Weller was telling me a story the other day about his swim team at home having to do open water swims once a week. "The open water swims made me a lot strong in the pool because of the currents. I am from the beach so we always swam in the ocean."

Hearing this from justin it sparked my interest and I thought that maybe I could use open water swimming to make me a stronger paddler on my surf board. I have been doing it for about a month now and the improvement is incredible. After doing all that paddling with so much resistence now it is almost easy to paddle on a board even in rough seas.

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